Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How strange is our life???

We cry when we are laughing yet we wanna laugh when we r crying...
We lose when we are winning yet we wanna win when we are losing...
We sleep when we are studying yet we wanna study when we are sleeping...
We fall sick when we are playing yet we wanna play when we are sick...
We are down when we are alone yet we wanna be alone when we are down...
We hug when there is no one around yet we wanna hug without caring who’s around...
We hate to see the tears flow yet we wanna see them flow…
We keep quiet when we are upset yet we wanna shout aloud when we are upset...
And we die when we are living yet we wanna live when we are dying...

No matter how strange life is, its always pleasing to relive those cherished moments once in a while. Peace out...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nobody except the person himself knows his real face

Everyone in today's world tend to think that they know the other person really well but it's rarely the case. Change is a part of life and whatever we see in others is just a part of the process.

There are cases when your friend all of a sudden takes a step forward and moves on in life and you are left wondering. He wore a different mask. Most of the times this is unintentional as maturity evolves the human mentality which leads to this change.

Whenever we meet a person in our life he is wearing a mask. We tend to assume it to be his real face. But that may not be the case. So whenever the change happens we feel cheated & think ill for that person. It’s just that we were caught in the chain process.

If we sit back and analyse the way our life has progressed we will realize that it has taken the same course. We wore multiple masks throughout & many people were a part of it. They would have felt cheated by us.

It’s all a part of life. Instead of analyzing and judging people's act, we should look within, learn from our mistakes and move on in life. In this superfast era where we are always short on time, it's all the more important to be realistic and practical in life.

As it is rightly said "Life is short and beautiful. Live it to the fullest".